Noise analyzer, signal analyzer, packet sniffer, packet analyzer, protocol analyzer, data logger
These are some of the various manners in which our customers use this versatile tool that offers value to every stakeholder in narrowband PLC or RF communication market. Utilities, device vendors, test-labs and research institutes, all use nBox-Tool in various development as well as field validation projects.
Comprehensive analysis tool that offers a composite view of entire PLC communication infrastructure.
Provides insight at all levels; pdu structures, protocol flows and channel conditions.
- 6LoWPAN, UDP/IP and application protocols
- DLMS metering protocols including COSEM object display
- PLC Adaptation / Convergence layers and MAC layer
- PLC PHY layer background noise
- PLC PHY layer signal receive levels
All networking layers 1 / 2 / 3 and application (e.g. DLMS) covered in a comprehensive manner. All fields of every packet analyzed for exhaustive coverage